Community Relations and Publicity
Please contact Susan- 508 498 5001
North Port Coalition for the Homeless/Needy Children, Inc.
Back Pack Angels General Meeting
March General Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2025
The general meeting was called to order at 10:12 by Naomi Jodoin at AMVET 312.
The mission statement was read by all.
New Members:
We welcomed new member Kim Cahill.
The February Board Meeting and General Meeting minutes were accepted at the Board Meeting on March 3, 2025.
Financial Report:
Sandy read the financial report. Income was $2,517.01 and expenses were $4,308.96.
Board Positions Needed:
Publicist - Naomi explained the duties of the publicist and asked if anyone was interested to contact her.
Bunco: Carol reported everything is in place. She gave $1,760 ticket money to Sandy.
Carol said they will be at the church at 1:00 Tuesday and if anyone has baskets, they can be dropped off then. Set up will be 8:00 Tuesday night. There will be 4 men (husbands) helping with the set up.
Food is to be dropped off no later than 10:00 am on Wednesday. Soup should arrive hot. Please put your name on any crock pots or ladles you bring. Salads will be put into individual bowls before serving and dressing will be in small cups. Salad dressing choices will be Ranch or Italian. Carol showed the tray, bowls and silverware that will be used.
Food tables will be in Bunco hall. Frank will bring ice and water. Sweetened and unsweetened teas will also be served.
Carol will be putting a preview together this week for the auction items. She will send it to those she has emails for and asks that it be shared with others you know. We have a lot of prizes so it will take some time to distribute. The 9 Bunco prizes are a small handmade bag and a $25.00 gift card.
Culvers: The manager told Naomi that we would receive a little over $1800. Naomi felt it was a real community effort between the volunteers and the people who specifically came to support us. The high school had several vans of kids (whose idea it was to come!) and some of the communities showed up in force. Naomi will write thank you notes, and she hopes they get shared to those who supported us.
Small 851, Large 155 for a total of 1006 for March.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Sorting day is Friday, March 21st and Packing and Delivery Day is Monday, March 24th. Packing will be the fourth week this month because of school break the week before. Susan hopes she has enough volunteers for 2 shifts, but if not, large bag volunteers will help when they finish.
Frank stated it is current. He will post bag numbers today..
North Port 2 Grant: Yvette said the form she sent in is ok.
Gulf Coast: Yvette will apply after June 2.
Community Foundation of Sarasota: Yvette said this grant opens April 1st.
Others: We should get a check from Plantation in April. The Braves didn’t open their grant program due to assistance they gave to victims of the hurricane. Naomi sent information and pictures to the Community Foundation of Sarasota which provided a grant for our bags.
Old Business:
Jan Heugen Permanent Memorial: Linda and Frank met with Fr. Tom; he is enthusiastic about hanging the plaque. They will contact Jan’s husband, Lee, in Ohio, to see if there is a time he will be able to attend. Then a date will be set for the presentation.
Scrapbook: Linda put 2024 together and is working on organizing items she received for 2025. She requests you put the month and year on any photos, cards, newspaper articles, etc that you give her. We bring the scrapbook to events like Newcomers Day
New Business:
Donation- Shark Tooth Car Club: We received a check for $500.00.
North Port nonprofit meeting: Judy attended a meeting that Chris Steel of the Kiwanis organized. Loveland, North Port Art Center, Kiwanis and Back Pack Angels were represented. The purpose of this meeting was to bounce around ideas concerning getting a building that several different nonprofits could share. They will invite the Salvation Army to the next meeting as they lost their building in the hurricane. They have 5 years to re-build or give $ back to government. The next meeting will be Monday, March 31 at 6:00 at Perkins. Anyone interested can attend.
Badges: Judy connected with All Star Badges in Sarasota. We are changing to a blue background. Judy passed around a sheet to sign if you want a badge, and she will ask at sorting day also. Badges will cost $10.00.
Shirts: Judy will check with Myra’s lady. Jean checked with someone she knows, but they only do large quantities.
Naomi said she feels we are becoming more visible in the community, that a lot of people know about us. She said it’s thanks to everyone!
Meeting was adjourned by Naomi at 11:10.
TUESDAY APRIL 1st 2025 at
AMVETS 312, 750 Chancellor Avenue