Community Relations and Publicity
Please contact Susan- 508 498 5001
North Port Coalition for the Homeless/Needy Children, Inc.
October General Meeting Minutes
November 5th 2024
The general meeting was called to order at 10:08 by Naomi Jodoin at AMVET 312.
The mission statement was read by all.
September 30, 2024 Board Meeting minutes and October 1, 2024 General Meeting minutes were accepted.
Financial Report:
Sandy said we received a $5,000 grant from Community Foundation of Sarasota County for tote bags. She stated our October income was $6,155.01 and our expenses were $4,815.27.
Board Positions Needed:
Publicist position still open. We also could use someone to order badges and t-shirts. Connie will look for vendor Myra used for the t-shirts.
Perkins: It was decided at the Board meeting to discontinue using Perkins as a fundraiser due to the low usage of the tickets. Carol will let Perkins know this.
Boco Lupo: Naomi will call or stop in to try to set up a date.
AMVETS: We have already received $1500 from the AMVETS. We will receive another check on Tuesday. Naomi will pick up at meeting and give them a certificate of appreciation from BPA. Sandy also stated that over $3,000 in products were also given to us by the AMVETS.
Culvers: Naomi will contact them to reschedule in the winter months. We will need people to give out flyers. She will check to see if just mentioning our group and/or having flyer on phone will suffice.
Anna Maria Oyster Bar: Judy has meeting with them this Thursday.
Pop Up Fall Flea Market: Southern Storage is holding this event on Sat Nov. 16 from 8-4. We will have a table there to give out our information and to hold a 50/50 raffle. A sign-up sheet was sent around to fill 2 hour time slots.
Small 827, Large 200 for a total of 1027 for November
Volunteer Coordinator:
Sorting day is Friday, November 15 and Packing and Delivery Day is Monday, November 18. Susan hopes to be able to have 2 shifts on small bags again this month.
Up to date. Frank added to website that over 9,000 bags have been given so far this year. He will remove Perkins as a fundraising option.
Community Foundation of Sarasota: We received a $5,000 grant from them for tote bags. Naomi will order large tote bags
Plantation: Susan will apply for this.
Jollay Family Foundation: Susan was contacted by Seth Bell of this foundation. He said they have given to us since we began. Susan was able to give him all the information he needed, and we will be receiving an $8,500 grant from them.
King Logie: We usually get a grant from this organization. Diane will apply for it.
Old Business:
Jan Huegen permanent memorial: Discussion on where we should put a plaque. Some suggested San Pedro church. Other discussion on whether we could do something else, ie a tree or a bench. A tree in a city park would be around $200, renewable every 10 years. A bench would be much more expensive. A committee should be set up to explore all options.
Rebecca also suggested, if it is a plaque, to copy it on a screen that could be taken to events.
Newcomers Day: Susan, Rebecca and her daughter Madison attended. Said there were a lot of people and many signed up as new volunteers.
Frank and Carol are working on the revision.
Christmas Parade and Festival, 2024:
Naomi signed us up for a table/booth. We can decorate it. We will need people there to man the booth.
Art Center:
Will be closing next September. They are looking for sponsors and donations. We should try to reciprocate and help them. Linda Lambert said to come anytime to visit the center.
New Business:
Room Changes for Packing Day: We have changed rooms to consolidate. We will see how it works this month, hoping there isn’t a problem with space for the carts.
New Ideas for Fundraising: Margie Fitchlee offered us some ideas to brainstorm for future fundraising, with detailed information on flyers she gave us. Some were:
Junk in the Trunk
Souper Bunco
Mega Holiday 50/50
Coffee for a Cause
Susan mentioned that Naomi is doing a lot of things that a fundraising committee could/should be doing, ie, contacting each restaurant. A discussion ensued about needing a chairperson, or co-chairs to head it up.
Carol may be willing to do it for another year Renee mentioned that if a volunteer takes on one activity, it would not be overwhelming. Everyone agreed we need a committee and a meeting soon. If you would like to join a fundraising committee, please let Judy or Naomi know.
Hollis will look into date in March at her community for our Bunco.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 by Naomi.
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