Community Relations and Publicity
Please contact Susan- 508 498 5001
North Port Coalition for the Homeless/Needy Children, Inc.
Back Pack Angels General Meeting
January General Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2025
The general meeting was called to order at 10:10 by Naomi Jodoin at AMVET 312. There were several new members in attendance so we all introduced ourselves.
The mission statement was read by all.
The December Board Meeting and General Meeting minutes were accepted
Financial Report:
Sandy read the financial report. Income was $6,177.05 and expenses were $10,046.34.
Board Positions Needed:
Publicist position still open. Naomi explained the duties and asked if anyone was interested or knew of anyone who might be, to let her know.
Bunco: “Souper” Bunco is set for March 12, 2025 from 11-4 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in North Port.
Carol asked for help in the following ways: we need 1-2 more crock pots of soup; we need 3 more card tables; baskets are needed for Chinese auction; community outreach solicitors for prizes for baskets. Susan will send email to all our volunteers asking for help with the above.
Carol set date for next Fundraising meeting – Friday, Feb. 21 at 10:00 at the North Port Library. Carol will send email to committee to let them know about this meeting.
Dot, Sandy, Margie and Linda will do the decorations for the Bunco.
Boco Lupo: Have discontinued their Tuesdays for a Cause. They may help organizations in other ways, i.e. gift cards.
Culvers: Naomi will confirm week of Feb. 9-15 for us to give out flyer's. If flyer is shown, or BPA is mentioned, we will get a percentage of the sales.
Susan asked for specifics as she said this will take a lot of volunteers as it runs all week. We thought shifts of 11-1 and 4-6, but a few of us felt a little longer would be better, maybe 11-2 and 4-7 to connect with more diners.
Naomi will confirm dates, Susan will ask for volunteers and Frank will put flyer on website. Bags:
Small 878, Large 165 for a total of 1043 for January
Volunteer Coordinator: Sorting day is Friday, January 17th and Packing and Delivery Day is Tuesday, January 21st. Packing will be on Tuesday this month because of MLK holiday on Monday. Susan thanked the new volunteers who have been helping.
Frank stated it is up to date.
Community Foundation of Sarasota: We received a $5,000 grant from them for tote bags.
Heron Creek:
Dianne and Susan received a grant from them. They will pick up check on the 17th.
Old Business:
Jan Heugen permanent memorial: Frank is working on the plaque. A short background was given for those not familiar with Jan. Frank will contact Jan’s husband for a better picture. A meeting with the Pastor of San Pedro’s needs to occur to pick a date for the presentation . Naomi said February is Jan’s one year anniversary, so it would be good to do it around then. They will let everyone know and also get the information out to her friends and family.
Board has gone over them, and has accepted the updates.
We received 500 new brochures
Christmas Parade and Festival, 2024:
Naomi and her husband picked up our sign and it’s now back in storage.
New Business:
Certificates: Naomi would like to give certificates of appreciation to the local businesses that have toiletry collection boxes as well as those who have monetary donation boxes. Frank will get list of businesses from Naomi and make up the certificates.
La Casa Women’s Club:
Naomi has been asked to speak to their club.
A new card is on the way from Truist for Naomi.
National Night Out:
January 14, 2025 6-8:30 pm at City Hall. Judy and Dot will “man” the table.
New Comers Day:
February 1, 2025 10-12 noon at the Mullen Center. Joyce and Linda will “man” the table.
Meeting was adjourned by Naomi at 11:30.
AMVETS 312, 750 Chancellor Avenue
Copyright © 2025 North Port Coalition for Homeless/Needy Children - All Rights Reserved.
Show the flier when ordering & BPA will receive
10% of your perches.
Use the flier All Week Long!