We have about 100 volunteers: part time residents and full timers who collect, pack, move and deliver the essential items we provide. If you have a skill or service that you are willing to contribute, please click on the "Contact Us" link above.
You may Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Susan Ricard, or President Dianne Patterson, by phone 941-441-7481 or email: backpackangels@hotmail.com or srecard88@gmail.com to become a volunteer.
Our valuable volunteers deserve recognition for their dedication and they deserve the gratitude of North Port for stepping up and giving of themselves to help "our" children in need.
Be a "Backpack Angel" Volunteer.
.......... Product List.....
Shampoo ........................... Baby Shampoo .........
Conditioner ....................... Baby Wipes ..............
Deodorant ......................... Maxi Pads ................
Soap ................................... Kids Single Toothbrush
Single Toothbrush ............. Kids Toothpaste ........
Toothpaste......................... Toilet Tissue (4 pack)
Dental Floss ...................... 12-oz Liquid Detergent
Body Wash ........................ Sunscreen .................
Combs ................................ Brushes.....................
Or monetary to buy these items...
There are drop off bins located throughout North Port.
See Below.
American Legion 6648 Taneytown Rd
Achieva Credit Union * 2467 Sycamore St
AmVets. Post 312 7050 Chancellor Blvd
Busey Bank 14803 Tamiami Trail
Chamber of Commerce NP ** 14140 Tamiami Trail
City Hall NP *** 4970 City Hall Blvd
Classic Hair Cut ** 13009 Tamiami Trail
Coldwell Banker Sunrise Reality 14972 Tamiami Trail
Eric-John Claessene, DDS,PA 12450-A “ “
Grandmothers Club of Harbor Isles Harbor Isles Dr
Hair Design 14829 Tamiami Trail
Joe’s Barber Shop 14503 Tamiami Trail
Ladies Club of La Casa AKA - La Casa Recreation Hall
Grandmothers Club
Lakeside Plantation Community ** N. Toledo Blade Blvd
Los Dos Cristianos * 1120 Plantation Blvd
Moose Lodge 764 14156 Tamiami Trail
Next Generation Hair Salon 12741 S. Tamiami Trail
Salt & Light Holistic Salon 2453 Sycamore St
Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd
Southern Self Storage 2245 Bobcat Village Rd
(9am - 6 pm M-F)
Talon Bay Club House 7360 Talon Bay Dr
WKDW Radio Station 12735 Tamiami Trail
* (Cash Donation Jar) ** (Xmas Only) *** (Special Occasions)
Packing and Delivery is the third Monday at 9:00 am at Southern Self Storage
But be sure to always check the calendar for any change in times, location and dates.